Man, it's hot at The Villages! I'm just glad one of my brothers has a pool! Me and Mrs. Moogly are in Florida for vacation and I've finally been able to catch up on some of my reading (on and offline). Until I get back to it, here is a very good post (naturally) by Martin Davis who has been explaining T.F. Torrance's thought on Christ's atonement. In this post, Davis confronts the ignorant and/or lazy view that TFT is a Universalist by showing how he rejects both Universalism and Limited Atonement. Both of these beliefs, according to TFT, are heretical. For those of you who automatically equate Universal Atonement with Universalism...come on! Simple logic, not to mention disciplined biblical study (check your presuppositions at the door, please), refutes the idea that Universal Atonement necessarily leads to Universalism! (And, by the way, TFT is a "Calvinist"--as are many of the Trinitarian Theologians that I have read)
For a very good introduction and explanation of the Trinitarian Theology of T.F. Torrance (among others), I suggest bookmarking this blog and reading through all of Martin's posts (after reading through his present series from the start).
Davis: The Atonement, part 8.
Until our return,
GGM...making waves in the pool and with his theological views.
Yes, one that would hold to universal atonement would not necessarily have to believe in universalism. I have pondered on this. One could for example, hold to Christ's atonement covering all sin while still believing that only the elect (Romans 8, Ephesians 1, are in Christ). As you know I hold to limited atonement, although God restores the universe and election and we have discussed this previously.
Blessings to you and family! BTW, I have a slight format change in my blogs for May...
Hey Russ,
Thanks for the comment. We just got back yesterday and we are wiped out. We need a vacation from our vacation!
In a nutshell, Torrance's view of the atonement is universal in that by virtue of the love of God for His creation (and every human being who bears His image) none of His creation (including humanity) is outside of God's original purpose in creation, which is to share in His life. The scope and extent of the "Christ Event" (incarnation, life, death, resurrection and ascension) is universal implicating all of creation (including humanity) such that every human being now stands in the state (or realm, as some prefer) of reconciliation in Christ. Christ's atonement is
'no respecter of persons"; it covers all because Christ was fully man.
Universal atonement is not Universalism because Torrance rightly recognizes that some (many?) will continue to refuse to come to Christ in repentance and faith. There are and will be human beings who willingly refuse to enter into this reconciliation; who willingly refuse to enter into the joy of (his) Master; who willingly refuse to enter God's rest (sabbath); who willingly refuse to accept and enjoy this union with God in Christ that He has established.
All who reject Christ will exist by their own choosing in a state of torment, not realizing their true humanity (which I've written of before) and union with God in Christ because they "loved the darkness rather than the light". Whatever a person thinks about "hell", it is at the very least an existence in which its inhabitants will experience only "death".
At any rate, TFT is a very profound and important theologian whose work in the scientific field is also very enlightening to theology.'s good to back!
I wish you well completing your website...
A one of those days projects.
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